Thursday, April 05, 2007

can't buy me love

i bought a small 'moleskin' on monday night. i like it. it helps me feel 'cultured'. i liked the selection at barnes&noble, and considered getting the 'journalists' flip-style booklet, since that's easier to write in with a left hand, the un-lined pages seemed to invite more freeform writings, and i smiled at the book that also had parisian maps in it--even though i'm not a paris-phile, there's something charmingly bohemian about it; but i went with the standard, and i regret nothing. i like carrying it around and jot down things when i want to. i hope to someday have little drawings in there, or perhaps a poem [i wonder if i should write poems], and maybe even a grail map.
an excerpt from today, writing about little good things:
*we've been on the same battery all day
*i've eaten a good amount of fruits and veggie. probably five servings
*i've been talking and laughing with people on set
*i haven't had to rush at all [that one came crashing down on me but a few minutes later...]
*the day has gone by pretty fast--only 80 minutes left
*i sat on the standards [tripod] without spreaders and fell but didn't get hurt

1 comment:

Em said...

There is something cery nearly magical about keeping track of your life on paper, no?

I just read a post I rather liked about it here:
(see the april 1 post)