Wednesday, July 21, 2010


i'm listening to tally hall because a) it's been too long since i've listened to them, b) they're deliriously wonderful, and c) because i'm nervous for tomorrow.

it's been a good trip and a good day. our interviews went great and the rest of the crew flies home tomorrow. this trip couldn't have been timed better(well...), because i'm sticking around to check out the apartment scene around college station. it certainly saves me a plane ticket, anyway.

i've got a printed list of several different complexes i've researched, picked out what floor plans i'm interested in, and have their rent and amenities laid out. i'm leaving the hotel at 8 a.m. to take a taxi to the airport to pick up my rental car to drive two hours to the college station-bryan area. i've got my ipod ready to sing along with.

a week ago, i was kind of excited about all of this.
now, i'm realizing how real my leaving is and all that i'm leaving behind.
but i know that it will all work out.
prov. 3:5-6


Natalie said...

Good luck with the apartment hunting. May you find a good place and good roommates.
I know we don't really see you all that often, but I am sad that you're going to be moving so far away. Remember us little people in Utah.

kwistin said...

yeah. (well...). i hear ya. best of luck in the hunt!

and thank you for the scripture. that's one i'm absolutely clinging to right now.

guess it's why it's my favorite.

The Former 786 said...

I've never heard of Tally Hall.

Something tells me I should start.