Wednesday, June 06, 2012


i went to a concert last night. the guy's name was greg laswell, one of those singer-songwriter types that i generally don't care for. but i've been listening to his music and it's started to grow on me; sometimes, it's just nice to have some quiet music like that (this is my favorite of his.) and he's married to ingrid michaelson, for those of you interested.

anyway, it was a good show. we found seats and sat down, which was a new (and comfortable) experience for me at a concert. the opening girl was elizabeth and the catapult and she was really fun and cool and reminiscent of regina spektor. and mr. laswell and his band rocked more than i was expecting.

he also had a good sense of humor and at one point was talking about how he generally writes sad songs, which, he noted, can be depressing when looking at his twitter feed: a lot of people write things like, "just lost my job. it's raining today. #gregLaswell." and the like.

today, i'm tepidly doing homework, don't have much of an appetite, and am listening to laurie jayne mixes.

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