Friday, January 09, 2009

the year in review: 2008 (a.k.a. "the sheepies")

106 posts in 2008.  as i look over them, i smile.  i think i would still read sheep go to heaven if i didn't write for it, and that's a good feeling.  still, some are better than others.

i tend to judge the success of a post based on how many comments it garners.  which is not really a good way to do it; sometimes i'll just scribble something down for the fun of it, and it turns out to be a big "hit".  conversely, some of my favorites don't get a single comment.
the following ten are my favorite posts, the ones that conveyed most clearly what i wanted to say, in chronological order.  
actually, i like le collection fabuleuse de jeff best.  it's fun and came out exactly as i imagined it.  that's #1.

jan. 5: bleach (dated dec. 30, 2008)

feb. 7-8: criterion pt.I and criterion pt.II- i hoped to write a glorious review of the collection and inspire people to discover new cinema.  didn't seem to happen. 

aug. 3: remember that one time- i posted it thinking, "it would be unfortunate if someone did this and no one comments."  i got two comments.

popularity contest a.k.a. most comments
tie: feb. 6: the dreams stuff is made of and feb. 14: amative me, with 11 each.  never would have guessed.

longest post
apr. 20: the illustrated trip to vegas- in lieu of my usual lengthy prose, i tried to be like posters who show a picture and write a brief caption.  instead, there were a lot of pictures and even more words.

who knows? post
feb. 10: learning from the past- occasionally, i will write obliquely, in a sort of parable for what's on my mind at the moment.  and i can usually look back and remember exactly what i was saying.  no idea what i meant with this one...
best post outside of sheep go to heaven
in search of a muse: salt- i thoroughly enjoy reading all of my friends' blogs, and there are several  posts that i really like.  but tim's essay on religion was spot-on in all respects.

i thought of giving a name to these awards, but then it feels even more pompous than it already is, giving myself awards.
still, if i was going to the name them, they'd be called "the sheepies."  
that, or "the cake-bakies."


  1. i know i oughtn't aspire to callings, but if i could somehow be called to write for sheep go to heaven, i think that would be incredibly awesome. then maybe i could receive a Sheepy. can you put in a good word with the editor-in-chief?

    from a reader's perspective, 2008 was a fabulous year for your publication. i agree with your analysis of tim's post Salt.

  2. I, too, tend to judge my posts based on the comments they get. I need to stop doing that.

    But thanks for the links to past posts. As a latecomer, I thoroughly enjoyed the highlight reel.

    And yes, I am now aspiring to get a "sheepie."


say what you like.